Healing Balm for Your Skin

This balm is going to help everyone with their skin. Old skin that bruises, younger skin that has blemishes, red spots, etc. Check out this company and use their product to help you look better!! These two beautiful people are cosmeticians who figured out how to put together what was needed to heal the skin from so many situations. A lot of professionals use it and have for about four years. Now, it is available through us for you!

What can it do for us?

I’m 79. Yeah, I’m old. However, I’ve always looked fairly young and haven’t worked very hard at all to keep my skin in any particular shape. I know, I’m lazy. And, I’ve lived in hot places pretty much all my life. Places with lots of sun that I totally enjoy.

I really can’t be happy without the sun. (I actually moved to Seattle for three years and then left a great job and sold a house I totally had paid for, just to get back to the sun!!)

When I retired, I moved to Arizona.

As I got older, I developed COPD and pretty severe asthma. Humidity made it hard to breathe. So, I moved to the very dry state of Arizona and have definitely gotten my breathing back. (When you start losing breathing capability, it is very frightening.) However, either my age, or the dryness, or not drinking enough water, or something, made my skin start really drying up. It developed little lines and SUDDENLY, my arms and legs started looking like I was actually 75. UUUUUUGH!

I bought every kind of skin lotion. Yet they didn’t make a difference. I even bought bag balm and used that!! But, it all seemed to stay on the surface and didn’t really make a difference. However, when I used this very nice smelling balm, it somehow bulks up the skin so those fine little wrinkles just disappear. Which is a huge difference!! My skin immediately looks younger!! (In fact, it looks young.)

This Company is actually known for healing from cosmetic fixes.

This company, however, doesn’t seem to really talk much about making a difference between old and young-appearing skin. It has been used, for years, by cosmeticians to help your skin heal from adding permanent brows. I’ve been contemplating that because my brows have become white, and I have to add brown so that you can see them. That seems to be the important part of this healing balm. It actually heals about twice as fast as any other balm made for that purpose. Waxing is also something that heals quickly. The pictures they showed on their website, showed how quickly the wax burn healed.

Also, for people getting tattoos, it heals fast!!

I am amazed at how many people get tattoos here in Arizona. In California, where I went after Seattle, tattoo parlors, originally, were in some of the more “interesting” parts of town. But, that has changed. Maybe because of all the Hollywood people covering their bodies with “color”. Now, there is a really nice tattoo place right next door to my Hairdresser. And that is in a really nice part of town. This company has been selling to them for the last four years. And that is because the tattoo practitioners found that the 14-day healing period went down to 7, using this particular healing balm. The picture in this paragraph had a caption that it had healed in 5 days.

Now, this is being offered to us, the general public and we can use it for all our skin hurts!

Now for something really unusual that I have found!!

This Balm is great for healing skin from the outside in, how about the inside out? Yep, I’m also taking a neat supplement that is helping my skin become more youthful. Thank you for Uuth. It has made my skin more supple and looking like it used to look about 20 years ago. (Which I don’t mind at all. I hated the old crepy look!) It also has given my hair more body, and my nails more strength. It uses something called BioHacking and works with the body to just improve it. (Or in this case, make it like it was again!) You can learn more about it here.