Best SEO Keyword Research Tool

Keyword Research will make or break your marketing success. If you use the right keywords, people will show up at your site wanting what you have to offer. If you don’t have keywords that are what people search for, no one will find your website or your product. This company makes keyword research easy and understandable. Many keyword research sites are so technical you don’t know what a good one is or whether it will work or not. This company makes it easy and fun to determine your best title of an article, or book name, or company name or whatever you want.

Keyword Search Made Easy


When I first started in online marketing, I was too new to understand the need for a good keyword. Honestly, that instructor had mentioned this company to me before.  I actually tried their free search for keywords, but, unfortunately, I was too new in the business to really understand the absolute necessity of having good keywords.  Then, my associate mentioned recently that “a good keyword can make you lots of dollars with just one pay-per-click”  if it is in the right business.  Lots of money from one click on Adsense?

I had known that we are looking for Adsense accepting us for their ads.  But, I hadn’t realized that certain keywords have high denomination pay per click ads.  I’m sure I’ve heard that before, but, tonight it actually went all the way to the front of my brain which says “Look at This!  Understand this!”

So, I checked out this Company

I went to their business site and went through the training video.  It was about 22 minutes long and “Ted Talks”  says we can actually only really concentrate on any one subject successfully for about seventeen minutes.  That’s why Ted Talks are so short.  So, I took this in two doses.  I stopped in the middle and got a sandwich.

After I went back, I continued watching and learned a little more.  This company has every way a keyword can be crunched easily found in their navigation.  They can tell you if there are a lot a people using it. And they include how many people are looking at that keyword every month.  As well as, what keywords are present on just too many sites to make it a good one to bring in traffic to your webpage.  The statistics were awesome!  And, I understood, finally, what good keyword research did for your page.  I went through and changed a lot of things, including the title of my website.  Immediately, I started getting better SEO traffic.  My Amazon site went from 20 clicks a month to over two hundred.

Better and Better


Then, they showed their way of saving time.  And saving time is high on my list of needs.  There is so much to write about and you want to research your topic heavily, so you know what you are talking about.  You can only go with personal experience in subjects for so long.  Eventually, you need to actually learn a lot about something so you can be bringing value to google by sharing your knowledge.  That is what Adsense is looking for.

So, if a company can save me time.  I’m there.  This company set up keyword lists and saved them, so I didn’t have to.  Now, I can write on any topic and use only the best keywords that will bring in the most traffic.  And, if you write lots of articles on things, you can just change your keyword, go at something from a little different tact.  Maybe the best way to use something in a different climate.  Or, uses for something that is safe around kids.  It can be the same product, and a lot of the information would be the same, but the keyword would be different and it would be from an original slant on that particular product.

Ah, that floated my boat!  Then, their Alphabet soup keyword tool was really neat.  I write about one or two particular anchor offers a lot.  And I found many different ways to say the same thing.  Their keyword search page would tell me what would be the most promising phrases.

After that, they went into the brainstorming tool.  Oh, I loved that.  What are the most trending articles in several different social media sites.  It gave me ideas for dozens of articles that would bring SEO traffic to me.  Oh, I love this company!

They sold me with this

They have an affiliate desire.  They actually pay very well to promote their business.  Yes!  I looked at the different scenarios presented.  Tried a few of my own, and SAW THE LIGHT!  Not only could this company save me time, make me more profitable in my articles, give me wonderful ideas for articles, but they also paid me good money to tell people about them.  I was already sold before that, but that was just icing on the cake.

So, go to this company and start making your passion for writing a blog pay better.  And, if you want to learn the ins and outs of Social Media, how to post ads that are free  (and now will get even more clicks due to this company), check out the business I am in.  I love it!  It has given me more purpose in my life.  I have made so many friends.  I’ve have made money and I needed to do that.  But, now, I’m going to make more!

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