Designer Scarves With Pockets

This company uses a brilliant idea to not only make us look “very designer” but also to help us be safe in so many normal situations. Check it out!!

What do I mean, Designer and Safe?

I remember, as a mom with two kids in tow, trying to walk, with one with one hand, and the other with my other hand. They both, of course, wanted to go different ways and the purse that was on my shoulder would start falling down, which would make me lose one of my children’s hands, and she would take off while I was trying to keep my purse from falling off yet again. (I hated taking the kids to the store. Any store.)

This really brilliant lady (Angela) figured out something for that situation. She added a small purse with a zipper to an infinity scarf. That way, my purse was just as secure as I wanted my kids to be.

Or, take this situation. You are walking out of the grocery store after work and realize it has gotten dark while you were in there. You clutch your purse by its strap and walk hesitantly into the parking lot. Suddenly a dark shape appears, and your purse leaves its place on your shoulder as the strap is sliced out of your hands. (They do that now. Robbers don’t grab it anymore. They carry sharp knives and just slice the straps so it is easy to pull away from you. )

We have to have our own safety in mind, and can, with these scarves.

Now look at that scene again. It is dark. You have your cart with your groceries. You go to the back of your car and open the back easily. Put your groceries in (all the while looking behind you). Then you get in the driver’s side and take off. What is the difference? You have both hands free. Because your keys were in your scarf, but close enough to open everything without them having to be in your hands. And there was no purse visible for someone to grab.

This scarf fixes several problems and includes a designer look!

This lady looked at both of these situations and found an answer to safety and, when you see these beautiful scarves, designer style. She was telling us last night, at our product explanation night, that her newest “ice silk” material is even helpful in keeping you cool. (I just ordered one of those.) Something about the way the fabric is made with pockets of air. Since, I live in Arizona, keeping me cool, sounds great!!

There are different styles for different situations

These scarves have several different styles based upon the use it is being put to. Like, she has one that is used as a nursing scarf. Thank you! Nursing mothers don’t have to cope with putting their purses someplace safe (like sitting on it) when the babies want to nurse.

Or, the coolest one I saw was the swimsuit wrap that doubled as a purse depending on the way you wore it. Again, a neat way to disguise something that robbers look for when they are checking people out. Speaking of that, she even has a neck wrap for men to put their wallets in rather than have them so easily grabbed from their pockets. (Pickpockets are alive and well even in this day and age.)

Now, as an added benefit, she even has come out with a scarf that is a little fuller and can double as a wrap when you go into restaurants, or church, or even to the mall where they keep the place as cold as a refrigerator during hot days outside. Then, when you go back out into the heat, it becomes a loose scarf again. What more could you want?

People are talking about these scarves and how safe they are.

This company is so well thought of, that they have been mentioned in the news several times and people are starting to get smart about keeping themselves safe. (Think of this as a very smart way to hide your passport and credit cards when traveling!! No more funny-looking belt around your middle!)

Check all the styles out and the neat colors. She even talked about some new color combinations that are sports-related. So, wear your team’s favorite colors and be safe at the same time.