EMF Protection

I’ve been hearing a lot about EMF protection and how it is needed now. This has made me become really interested in how the technology we use every day affects our bodies. One thing I’ve been reading about lately is electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and whether they have any impact my health. EMFs are invisible fields of energy that are produced by power lines, wireless technology like cell phones and WiFi, and even household appliances. We’re exposed to them all the time, but do they actually affect us in any way?

Years Ago, I heard something about what electricity does to your body.

I remember, years ago (1990) there was talk about how gardeners who worked plots that were under high voltage lines had a higher incidence of cancer. Now, since I was working in a classroom right next to a high-voltage line. I kind of wondered if that was really true. However, I couldn’t change my classroom at that time just because I was concerned about something that was talked about in the internet. So, I just didn’t worry about it. Now, I have learned a lot more.

EMFs are made up of electricity and magnets

From what I’ve learned, EMFs are made up of electric and magnetic fields. Electric fields are produced by voltage or electric charges, while magnetic fields result from the flow of current through wires or electrical devices. The higher the voltage or current, the stronger the EMF. I used to think all EMFs were probably harmless since we’ve been living with them for years without knowing the effects. But as I’ve researched more, I’ve found there are some potential health concerns related to stronger fields.

  • sleep disturbances, including insomnia
  • headache
  • depression and depressive symptoms
  • tiredness and fatigue
  • lack of concentration
  • changes in memory
  • dizziness
  • irritability
  • loss of appetite and weight loss
  • restlessness and anxiety

One area of research that does show some clearer health impacts is how EMFs affect the human nervous system. Studies demonstrate that being exposed to electromagnetic radiation can overstimulate brain cell activity, cause mental confusion, and impair learning and memory. These neurobiological effects seem most concerning to me, since they point to EMFs directly disrupting normal nervous system functioning. Could this be part of the problem for the increasing amounts of dementia I run across with my friends because I am in an older group?

What can I do?

This will work to help and it makes a big difference in sleeping, for some reason.

Get your tuün™ RESONATE here! This is the Top of the Top for EMF Protection!

To reduce my exposure to powerful EMFs, I’m going to be more mindful of keeping my cell phone away from my head and not carrying it in my pocket. I’ll try to use the speakerphone or wired headphones whenever possible. I’m also looking into EMF-blocking cases and anti-radiation stickers that are supposed to limit a phone’s electromagnetic emissions. At home, I want my family to be aware of EMFs from WiFi routers, smart meters, baby monitors, and other electronics. We can try positioning these devices away from where we spend the most time. Overall, I think just being informed about sources of EMFs, monitoring my exposure, and taking sensible precautions is the best approach for now.

You will see more and more things coming to the market. There is a huge issue with the invisible issues caused by EMF. The more you simply research it, the more you will see this is real, and you need to be doing something real about it.

More Details and Other Products to Help with EMF Protection:

OTHER PRODUCTS. EMF Pollution is being created by multiple causes. It is all around. We have the knowledge and the tools to help protect us. Adding multiple solutions to this real and invisible enemy to our quality of life; is logical.

Then let’s share with you some other products for helping eliminate the threats and harm of EMF.

We found these incredible and affordable solutions. There are some must-haves. We are using the Bio Arc Discs for all uses. The small ones are on our Mobile Phones (stuck to the back). On our laptop computers (stuck to the back). Because we have access to these, we place them on the back of all of our Cellphones, Laptops, Desktops, Televisions, Wifi Routers and about anything Electronic really.

Something that has been Awesome, is that everyone that visits our home states the following:

“Feels so Calm and Peaceful In your Home”

“Why is it that whenever we come here it is always so Relaxed”

And so on. We have protected our

Bodies from EMF results.

In the study of our energy we learn about Chakras and Healing Crystals. Chakras are energy vortexes that exist within the etheric body and conduct life force energy to the body.

The Power of Crystals

Life’s Vibrations Affecting Natural Health and Wellness

Albert Einstein is reported to have said that everything in life is vibration. The power of chakra crystal healing is that each crystal has its own unique vibration. Crystals, due to their structure and composition, give off vibrations at a constant frequency. In other words, their vibrations do not change.

Crystals Can Change Your Energy Vibrations

This fact is especially powerful. Because when a crystal comes into contact with a lower vibration it raises that vibration to match its own. That to me, is really a weird but cool thing. In other words, when a crystal’s higher frequency tunes into your lower frequency it raises yours up to match it. It provides a boost of uplifting, positive energy. This same company has some beautiful crystal you can add to your home decor and jewelry that is actually good for you to wear!!

So, in conclusion, there are several ways here to protect yourself.

So, there are actually several ways to protect myself and you from EMF results. Some of them are very techie, like the things I attach to the back of my phone. And some are really beautiful like the crystal energy earrings and necklaces. My favorite though, is the Tuun since it protects my body from everything in the EMF situation that surrounds us.